Kia ora Blogges around New Zealand,

Today we went to Life education with Harold the giraffe, We learnt about stress and how it all works in our bodies, we also learnt about our body parts. There was this girl named Grace that worked with Life education, she talked about what we will be learning about and then after she gave us this paper that had questions related to stress. My groups one had what does stress sound like, I wrote down its sounds like fast and heavy breathing, and then wrote angry tone. We got another question and it said what does it stress feel like, I wrote down freaked out, irritated, depressed, busy and tired, annoyed and working but tired.

After that we learnt about our body parts and what they do to help us, We also learnt about our brain and what parts do, We learnt that in the front of our head is the thinking part of our brain and is called the frontal lobe, on the sides of our brain is the part that
controls our emotions, how it all starts with stress is that when you over think things like if someone is walking be hide you and you think there going to rob you and brain suddenly takes action instead of thinking about things and calming down. After we talked about things like this we played a game that was kind of creating stress. After we talked about how stress can be fixed or some solutions that can calm you down and distract you like playing a game, talking to someone you can trust, taking deep breathes, walking away and other things. Later we told Harold the giraffe what we learnt today and then after we were finished!




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